Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system

SFPUC Southeast Treatment Plant Biosolids Digester Facilities - San Francisco, CA

SFPUC, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission will replace its existing, outdated solids treatment facilities with new biosolids digester facilities. MWA Architects - SF was engaged to renovate the aging facilities, some of which are structurally unsound and date back to the 1950’s. Cladding Corp's Terra5 TC18 rainscreen was selected with an ECO Cladding F1.45 adjustable and thermally-broken attachment system. The campus design incorporates two colors for the project.

For a project feature by the architect click here.

MWA Architects
Project Type: 
Public & Religious
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system
Cladding Corp Terra5 TC18 & F1.45 adjustable system