Fiber Cement Projects : All Types

Metropolitan Business Academy – New Haven, CT

S/L/A/M Collaborative took advantage of three colors and various fabricated Cem5 panels to create an energy-efficient business magnet school.  Located down the street from Yale University – the high school has a variety of building facade material

Cleveland State College – Cleveland, OH

NBBJ of Columbus, OH continues its excellent high education design with Cleveland State University's College of Education featuring glass and Swisspearl fiber cement.

Penn Valley Health Science – Kansas City, MO

Kahler Slater has been working with the leadership of Metropolitan Community College (MCC)-Penn Valley since 2005 to develop a state-of-the-art Health Science Institute using Cem5 for their facade.

Cunningham Quill Architects and Cladding Corp created a very dynamic rainscreen/curtain wall feature for the new Safeway on King Street in Alexandria.

Bridgestone Training Center fiber cement panels by Cladding Corp

The Bridgestone Technical Center in Akron, Ohio was designed by SoL Harris/Day Architecture.  The fiber cement rainscreen cladding features Swisspearl® panels in various shades of red or grey to match the corporate colors.

Safeway Waterfront – Washington, DC

Shalom Baranes Associates of Washington, DC is one of the most consistent designers of Rainscreen projects.  One of their signature buildings incorporated Swisspearl® cement composite and terra-cotta on the Safeway Waterfront complex.

650 East Kendall – Cambridge, MA

CO Architects of Los Angeles designed 650 East Kendall in Cambridge which has become the central building for Kendall Square.  This pocket of new buildings is arguably one of the highest concentrations of rainscreen wall design in the USA.

ESPN Digital Center 2 – Bristol, CT

HLW of New York designed the new ESPN Digital Center 2 in Bristol, CT using Cem5 fiber cement panels. The fiber cement panels created a symmetric stacked layout with a signature ESPN corporate red band on the top of the building.

225 Binney / Bio Gen – Cambridge, MA

BioGen’s corporate headquarters are located in the Kendall Square area of Cambridge on 225 Binney.

CB2 – Miami Beach, FL using Swisspearl® fiber cement panels

SKLARchitecure of Hollywood, FL designed the CB2 store in Miami Beach using Swisspearl® fiber cement panels.  The CB2 clean lines and progressive architectural approach, made a rain screen by Swisspearl® a perfect exterior facade.

Whole Foods – Yonkers, NY

H3 Hardy Collaborative of New York selected Swisspearl® fiber cement panels in 3 colors to draw attention to this Whole Foods store and parking complex.

3 Crescent Drive – Philadelphia, PA

For this LEED rated installation at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia, our engineered Cem5 lap-siding is part of a revitalization that is both sustainable and long-lasting.   Erdy McHenry Architecture were the designers.

As part of a overall refurbishment, this energy trading company selected an energy efficient Cem5 fibercement rainscreen for portions of its new facade addition. Roger Ferris + Partners was the designer.

U of Arkansas Bookstore – Fayetteville, AR

In preparation for Fall 2010 semester, installation of the University of Arkansas Garland Ave. Bookstore incorporated a Terra5 terracotta rainscreen, a fiber cement rainscreen and unique Terra5 baguette sunscreen.

Corporate Utility Building Reclad – Dallas, TX

James E. Langford Architects incorporated the Cem5 rainscreen to reclad one of their corporate clients utility building.  White panels and a blue painted girt system was used to tied into the campus.